Spring Sightings in North Carolina

I considered writing about the Jamestown, Virginia Colony today on the 417th anniversary of its establishment, but I just could not muster enough interest in it this week to do the research necessary to blog about it. (You can thank me now or you can thank me later.)

I am taking the easy way out with my blog this week. Instead of researching the Jamestown Colony or waxing poetic about a book I’ve read, I have chosen to share with you some of the beauty of spring in my own yard.

Spring is by far my favorite season of the year because it follows the “dreaded winter.”

Camellia and Honey Bee
George Tabor Azalea
Bearded Iris
Dutch Iris

What’s not to love?

Until my next blog post

I hope you enjoy the gifts of spring or whatever season it is where you live. (I am well-aware that several of my readers live in Australia, and I don’t envy you of your transition into cold weather.)

I hope you have at least one good book to read this week.

Remember the people of Ukraine.


13 thoughts on “Spring Sightings in North Carolina

  1. Thank you, Carol. I feel the same way. It seems we often jump over spring and get plunged into summer. The spring flowers — especially the irises — only last a say or two.

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