Books Read in August 2020

Reading in August was a bit of a challenge. Lots of things were going on within the family and I was distracted. Nevertheless, I did finish reading or listening to several books.

I think I shouldn’t push myself so much in the future. It’s gotten to the point that I feel guilty if I’m not reading! I want reading to be the pleasure it’s intended to be, so I’m adjusting my expectations. I reminded myself this isn’t a contest. The person who reads the most books doesn’t necessarily win.

With that introduction, let’s jump into the books I read or tried to read in August.

We Wear the Mask: 15 True Stories of Passing in America, by Brando Skyhorse and Lisa Frazier Page

We Wear the Mask: 15 True Stories of Passing in America, by Brando Skyhorse & Lisa Page

This is an enlightening book. It has nothing to do with the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s about a completely different kind of mask.

It’s 15 first-hand stories of the experience of “passing” in America as something one is not. To give you the overall flavor of the book, I’ll briefly give you the topic of each of the 15 stories:

A Mexican-American is forced by his mother to pass as an American Indian;

A Cuban Jewish lesbian tells how many of her fellow Cubans were surprised to be considered black (or “colored” in the vernacular of the early 1960s) when they arrived in the US;

A man’s half-Chinese great-grandfather changed his name twice in order to pass as white. It was more than 100 years before his descendants found out they had Chinese ancestors;

A black man was mistaken as a server at the National Book Awards banquet and realizes that one’s attire cannot counteract people’s prejudices and assumptions;

A brown woman started passing as a Puerto Rican at the age of seven when her family moved to Italian-dominant Staten Island, NY because the Italians were confused over her skin tone. She was called derogatory Asian names while her teachers made the assumption that she was Puerto Rican;

A man passed as white until he retired. Then, he moved back to his home community of darker relatives. He wasn’t totally accepted;

A white woman marries a black man and they have children; she moves to a nice retirement community in Mexico and keeps her bi-racial children a secret from her new friends… until those adult children come to her funeral; and

A transgender man passing as a woman and learning what it’s like to be an attractive woman and being hit on by creepy men and being subjected to everything from violence to unwanted catcalls to always having to be aware of one’s surroundings.

There are also stories of homosexuals passing as straight, poor people passing as wealthy, and even wealthy people passing as poor.

This is the kind of book you can pick up and read a small section of when you have a few minutes. I enjoyed reading just one story a day.

The Secrets We Kept, by Lara Prescott

The CIA and Dr. Zhavago
The Secrets We Kept, by Lara Prescott

This is a fascinating novel! It’s the story of how the United States set out in the 1950s to smuggle art, music, and literature into the Soviet Union and, specifically, how women typists in the CIA were instrumental in carrying out the mission.

President Eisenhower knew the US lagged behind the Soviet Union in the space and nuclear races. Here’s a quote from the novel that puts it in a nutshell: “They had their satellites, but we had their books. Back then we believed books could be weapons, that literature could change the course of history.”

The US wanted to emphasize to the everyday Soviet citizens how their government censored and persecuted the Eastern-bloc’s finest artists. They started by sending up weather balloons that would burst behind the Iron Curtain, raining down pamphlets.

Then, they started mailing books into the Soviet Union. Then, at the suggestion of one of the female typists, they started gluing the covers of non-controversial books like Charlotte’s Web and Pride and Prejudice to the covers of banded books. The ultimate objective was to smuggle in copies of Dr. Zhivago, by Russian author Boris Pasternak.

Reading Dr. Zhavigo would open the everyday Soviet citizens’ eyes to what had happened between the Russian Revolution of 1905 and World War II. The book had been banned in all Eastern-bloc countries because it was considered subversive.

This is a story of espionage that will have you cheering, especially for the women who are the unsung heroes of the CIA.

The Story of a New Name, by Elena Ferrante

Book 2, follows My Brilliant Friend
The Story of a New Name, by Elena Ferrante

After reading My Brilliant Friend, by Elena Ferrante in July, I looked forward to this second book in a series of four novels by Ms. Ferrante. Maybe it was just my mindset or my being distracted by wanting to work on my own novel, but The Story of a New Name did not hold my attention. I listened to almost half of the book (which is more of a chance than I normally give a book I’m not really enjoying) before I sent it back to the library. I found the two friends, Lila and Elena, more interesting as children than as adults.

This book has received good reviews, so I think it just wasn’t the right time for me to try to read it.

The Butterfly’s Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe

The Butterfly’s Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe

I’ve been intending to read a book by Mary Alice Monroe for years and finally got around to it. I listened to The Butterfly’s Daughter on Playaway while I walked every day. As I understand is true of Ms. Monroe’s novels, the reader could tell she did extensive research about the monarch butterfly before writing this book. Each chapter is prefaced with a sentence or two of monarch butterfly facts, and other information about the species is woven throughout the book.

I immediately liked the main character and I was really pulling for her on her cross-country trek through the US and into Mexico to her homeland of her grandmother where the monarchs overwinter. It was an engaging story. A bonus was that, at least on the Playaway edition I listened to, the author was the narrator.

Since my last blog post

Lightening fried our computer modem, which put a crimp in my style for several days. We’re getting into a routine for caring for our newly-diagnosed diabetic dog. 

Until my next blog post

I hope you have a good book to read.

If you’re a writer or other artist, I hope you have productive creative time.

As the Covid-19 pandemic drags on in the US, please wear a mask out of respect for other people, even if you feel fine. Several of my cousins have been battling the virus for weeks already.

Covid-19 is real, in spite of what the current resident of the White House says.


13 thoughts on “Books Read in August 2020

  1. I would love to read We Wear the Mask! My entire life I always wondered why people would have a mask on. I figured they had a bad immune system or were a germ freak. I think this would be so enlightening! Thank you!


  2. Wow Janet! You’ve read so many interesting books this past August! I ve barely gotten to the halfway point of the book I picked up! Interesting books too! I hope your cousins fare well and get over this dreadful bug and that it just disappears forever! All the best,


  3. Thank you, Francisco. These were interesting books! I’m attracted to a variety of genres. It makes life interesting. I cousins, I fear, didn’t take Covid seriously, so now three generations of that branch of the family are paying the price. I suspect they listened to Trump instead of the medical experts. Time will tell how they all fare. Thank you for your good wishes for them. More and more, many Covid patients in the US are having a myriad of lasting symptoms from which they don’t recover. I suppose you’ve heard the latest about Trump’s true feelings about those who serve in the military as reported in The Atlantic magazine. No surprises there for those of us who have seen him for what he is from the beginning. I hope this latest report will deal his fate, but I won’t breath easy until the last vote is counted in November. Take good care, Francisco. I enjoy each of your blog posts and eventually I hope to catch up on reading and watching all of them. The amount of information you give us and the quality of your videos and music astounds me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much Janet, I truly appreciate your words and your encouragement. I also enjoy reading your blog. I love history and you’ve got so much of it to share from your part of the world and I look forward to reading it. Take good care. I too hope to see a change towards the positive in the US. All the best,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These books are great, Janet. I love the first one. It is quite interesting to learn about the things that people would do just to be accepted. I also agree with you that reading should be fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree, Beverley. We Wear the Mask gave me a lot to think about. It makes one wonder if anyone shows their true self to the public. It made me realize how many people are using a lot of energy every day just to put up a front. And once one has started down that road, it must be terribly difficult to stop. Thank you for being a loyal reader of my blog. I’ve neglected to read very many blogs lately. Just too much unexpected stuff going on. I know I’ve missed reading a number of your posts lately. I’ll try to catch up! Have a wonderful week, and keep an eye on all those hurricanes popping up in the Atlantic!


  7. LOL! Thank you, Amorina Rose! That first book was quite interesting. It’s the kind of book you keep thinking about later. It made me think about some things that weren’t necessarily on my radar.


  8. Thank you for your concerns regarding the hurricanes. Most of them have gone out to sea so we thank the Lord. I believe theis COVID situation has given us the opportunity to analyze our true selves and get rid of the pretense. Have a blessed week in the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. All books are excellent. But I found the secrets we kept more close to my heart, something was known about it because an article about it was read in new york times, and Dr. Zhivago is also my favorite book. Thnx to share this lovely post thnx.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It pleases me that you found associations with the books I read in August. The Secrets We Kept was a revelation to me. Until reading it, I didn’t know what the CIA did to get the book Dr. Zhivago out of the USSR. Thank you for taking time to comment.

    Liked by 1 person

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