My Little White Dog

My little white dog died last Monday. He was the perfect dog for my sister and me, and we will forever miss him. It’s been a difficult week, but each day gets a little bit easier as we deal with our loss.

Those of you who are “dog people” understand. Those of you who aren’t, I can’t explain to you how sad it is to lose one.

Notice his Carolina Panthers pillow in the background.

He was a rescue dog, and we’ll never understand how his former family turned him out to fend for himself in a city until he was picked up by the county’s animal control personnel. He was rescued from the animal shelter by a dog rescue organization, and it was through that organization that this sweet little white dog adopted my sister and me.

He took us on as his project. I guess we were his “purpose.” He helped us do everything and was our constant companion and caregiver. I think he thought we were helpless, and that’s why it was so hard for him to let go last Monday afternoon.

He was so proud the day in 2014 when my vintage postcard book, The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina arrived!

I tried to determine if the poem, “My Little White Dog,” by Nell Gay White was in the public domain, but I couldn’t find any information about Ms. White or her poem. I’m going out on a limb here and sharing that poem with you today. I copied it years ago because it touched my heart. I didn’t even have a little white dog at that time, but the one pictured in this blog post has given my sister and me joy every single day of the last eight and one-half years.

My Little White Dog, by Nell Gay White

“I wonder if Christ had a little white dog,

All curly and wooly like mine,

With two silly ears and a nose round and wet,

And two tender brown eyes that shine?

“I’m sure if he had, that little white dog

Knew right from the first he was God.

He needed no proof that Christ was divine –

But just worshipped the ground where he trod.

“I’m afraid that he hadn’t because I have read

That he prayed in the garden alone;

For all of his friends and disciples had fled

Even Peter, the one called a stone.

“And, Oh, I am sure that a little white dog

With a heart so tender and warm,

Would never have left him to suffer alone

But creeping right under his arm.

“Would have licked those dear fingers, in agony clasped,

And counting all favors but loss ,

When they took him away, would have trotted behind

And followed him quite to the Cross.”

Just chillin’ on the sofa

Until my next blog post

Take care of yourself.


32 thoughts on “My Little White Dog

  1. I fully understand, having lost dear pets in the past and perhaps that is why I’ve no pets any more…
    A beautiful little dog indeed…
    I know you will recover, little by little, step by step, day by day. Take good care Janet and all the best.
    “In sadness we can feel the warmth of the kindness we lost…”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, again, Francis. Indeed, I can’t put myself through this again. At this stage of life, I know I won’t have another dog. I think knowing that made giving up this one especially difficult. I’ve been blessed to have had a dog most years of my life. How fortunate can a person be? I like the quote you shared. Spring is coming, and that always lifts my spirits. My best to you, Janet

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so very much, Vicki. Every time I’ve gone through this, I’ve sworn I would never get another dog. This time — at my age — I mean it. Knowing this would be my last dog made it especially hard to let him go. I appreciate your words of kindness.


  4. It was in the high 60s here today, but they’re predicting a low of 23 this weekend. Typical February/March weather in North Carolina. The daffodils are blooming. I always take that as a welcome sign. And yes, I have gotten back to my novel a little bit. I contacted someone I was certain could answer a research question I had several weeks ago. Unfortunately, I haven’t received an acknowledgement. That’s disappointing, but I’m sure I’ve let some people down in my life, too — so I won’t feel too bad about it. I’m researching the Great Wagon Road through Virginia in 1766 and a trail that led off from that wagon road into the mountains. If all else fails, maybe I’ll just go there myself and see if I can find the details I need for my novel. There’s a lot of information online and in some books, but so far I haven’t found exactly what I’m looking for. I enjoy doing the research as much as the writing, so I know it will all work out one way or another. I hope you’re getting some writing and painting done before warmer temperatures lure you outside.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The research you are engaged with sounds quite interesting indeed. History is something extremely fascinating and finding it, looking, searching, is exciting and I wish you continued and certain success. Our weather keeps looking more and more like May weather, sunny and getting warmer. And yes, I’ve been reading (new book by Salvador Dalí, who was a very good writer) and I am writing as well as painting. And you are right, this is the time to work before the summer. Well, have a happy and productive Tuesday and all the best,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, Shira. I thought I was going to get back to Ann and Anna yesterday. I had the first one pulled up in a window so I could refresh my memory and easily get back to it last night. Unfortunately, my computer screen froze up and I lost everything I had in open windows. Maybe I can get back to it today….

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  7. My heart is breaking for you Janet. Our dogs are like a family member and losing them is hard to get over. I have had many dogs in my life but the last one was so hard to lose I don’t think I can do it again, still petless.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you, Diane. Yes, it is gut-wrenching every time. My and sister and I have agreed that we can’t go through it again. We’ve had wonderful dogs throughout our lives, so it’s a huge adjustment not to have one now or in the future. Many friends are encouraging us to get another dog, but we just can’t at this stage in our lives. I appreciate your words.


  9. Thank you, Rebecca. Each day gets easier until today. In the mail we received a sympathy card from our vet’s office. Everyone had written personal notes in it. Needless to say, the floodgates opened all over again. It was like pulling a scab off a wound.

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